Taking Great Photos 1

Taking great photos is not a privilege of professional photographers. You and I, whether with an automatic or high end camera, can do it. Photography is communication. It conveys what you see to the audiences. A good photo gets people’s attention because it tells a story, invites imagination, delights, freezes the moment of beauty, memories…..

Once or twice a year, I take photos when I travel. I acquire basic photography knowledge by reading, seeing others’ photos and practice. Before taking a photo, think yourself what you want to communicate, record. A purpose helps shooting great photos. Then consider the light source, composition, perspective and focal length. Most cameras optimise the combination of aperture and shutter speed well. Unless you aim for special effects, you can let the camera do its job. It’s a pleasure to share some basics and tips for taking photos.

Photography is.....
- Memory / Reporting
- Creativity / Art
- Communication

Essence of taking great photos is:
- Capture what is happening
- Convey a message
- Tell a story
- Create imagination beyond what is seen

Here are e-references on cameras, what makes a good photo, ways to take stunning photos.......
Digital Photography Success
Digital Photography Secrets
Take Better Digital Photos (Photography)


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