Hue - Tien Mu Pagoda 順化 天母廟

Tien Mu Pagoda is located at the north bank of the Perfume River, about 5 kilometer away from the centre. It has more than 400 years old and one of the most beautiful and well-preserved religious sites in Vietnam. Its seven-story octagonal and 21-meter-high Fuyuan Tower is the iconic building of the Tien Mu Pagoda and Hue.


The name of the pagoda comes from a legend. Long ago an old woman known as Thien Mu (literally "Heavenly Lady") appeared on the hill where the pagoda now stands. She told the local people that one day a King would come and build a Buddhist temple for the country’s prosperity. In 1601, on hearing this legend, King Nguyen Hoang began construction of the pagoda. Further constructions and renovations were done during the succeeding centuries and the Phuoc Dien Tower at the entrance to the complex was built in 1864 by Emperor Thieu Tri. 

關於天母廟的民間傳說,是因當地居民常見一位穿紅衣老嫗坐現於山丘上。老嫗云:「金龍乃鍾靈毓秀之地之地。不久將有一個明君自此鎮統,並建寺立廟意穩聚龍脈之氣。」言畢,頓失所踪。而其後不久,阮主潢統率大軍入順化城。有民眾將所見神蹟相告知,阮主潢即時下令在此建廟,並賜名為「天母」。在接下來的幾個世紀中進行了進一步的建築和翻新,並在1864年由Emperor Thieu Tri建造了入口處的Phuoc Dien (福緣) 塔。

A giant bronze bell (Dai Hong Chung) is housed in a pavilion, sitting west to the tower. It was cast in 1710 by Nguyen Phuc Chu, weighs 3285 kilograms (7242 pounds). Its sound can be heard up to 10 kilometers away. 


The main sanctuary (Dai Hung Shrine), is divided into two separate segments. The sanctuary hall enshrines three statues of the Buddha (which symbolizes past, present, and future lives), as well as several other important relics. Buddhist monks who worship in the shrine and maintain it, also occupy it.


You may notice a old-fashion car within the pagoda and wonder why. The owner is Thích Quảng Đức. He drove it to Saigon to his death  by self-immolation. Details here and video.

你或許會在寺內留意到一架老爺車,主人是Thích Quảng Đức, 他駕車至西貢市並在那裡自焚,以抗議政府對佛教徒的歧視。

There is a nice garden within the pagoda. On the way is a tranquil lake with mini-statues of the Journey to the WestXuanzang, Sun Wukong,  Zhu Bajie (Eight-prohibitions) and Sha Wujing (river ogre).


At time of our visit were numerous beautiful bonsai. They were presented very nicely. Tourists may see trees with big fruits and monks moving around. Saying goodbye to us was a big spider, looked cute with two big eyes and a big head.



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