Neak Pean
Neak Pean is an unusually small monument, a cruciform arrangement of ponds with a sanctuary tower on a circular island in the middle. Its position in the middle of Jayatataka boray (formerly an island) may represent the sacred Himalayan lake of Anavatapta.
The cirrcular island in the middle is encircled at its base by two nage serpents. They seem to represent the naga kings Nanda and Upananda, from which the monument name means 'entwined sepents'.
On the east side of the island, a statue of a flying house rises from the water. It represents Balaha who helped seafaring merchants from an island inhabited by an ogress.
For me, the nicest of the visit is the path leading to the monument. Wooden path over the lakes, winter tree branches dotted the way transcended a melancholic atmosphere. The scenery is unique among all sites we visited at the Angkor Archaeological Park.