Phnom Penh - Central Market, Wat Phnom

Feb 2014

The Central Market (Phsar Thmei) in Phnom Penh is art deco style.  The site was originally a swamp. It collected rain water.  But it was converted to the current form in 1935-37. 

The building is in the form of a cross with a dome in the central part.  All kinds of stuff were sold here.  Most popular ones are gold and silver, jewelery, souvenir, electronic appliances, mens and womens apparel.  Fruit stalls were limited.  If you wish to stock fruits, it's better to head to the Old Market at Street 13.  The market is opened from 7am to 5pm. Nearby are the highest buildings in Phnom Penh.

Wat Phnom is situated at the only hill in Phnom Penh.  The first pagoda was erected in 1373 to house 4 budda statues discovered by a woman called Penh.

You can reach the top (27m) in all different directions.  One side stand naga and lions, guarding the pagoda.  On another side, a clock on the green lawn. Down there is a park.  Locals enjoy the shadow and nature, sell stuff.  Tourists are charged more for a visit to the pagoda.  I can't remember if it's US1 for 1 or 2 persons. We saw the first apsara there.

We saw the city on foot.  It's the best way to be close to the locals and see how they lead their life. It can be people resting from the heat, busy at earning their life, relax in the river........

Phnom Penh Chaktomuk Conference Hall


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