Prague - Off the Beaten Track

July 2013

Prague is one of the top visited cities in Europe.  I was there twice.  It remains one of my favourite cities.  There are many articles written about Prague.  Here summarises a few off beaten track places you may consider if you are visiting the eternal charming city.

Charles Square (Karlovo náměstí) was founded in 1348 by the Emperor Charles IV.  It is the biggest square in Prague, also one of the three most important squares in the new town.  Other two are Wenceslas Square (Horse Market) and Senovážné náměstí (Hay Market).  Apart from being an important transport hub, Charles Square also has a big green park where locals spend time leisurely and it is dotted with a few buildings.  A famous one is the new town hall which recorded a few events of defenestration of Prague.  It means people were thrown out of the window.

New Town Hall - Charles Square Prague

Letná Park is located on the opposite shore of the old town.   It is easily identified by the enormous metronome, a popular gathering place for young people. A spectacular scene: many shoes hung there.  If you know the reason, please leave a message.

Hanavský pavilion is another icon of the Letná Park. The best attraction of Letná Park is the gorgeous views over the city from different angles.

Chram Nejsvětějšího srdce Páně  is the icon of Vinohrady.  It is also recognized as the masterpiece of Slovenian architect Josip Plecnik.  Vinohrady is a desirable wealthy residential area.  Many buildings have a wealth of decorative details in art nouveau style. 

Emauzy (Emmaus Monastery)
The Emmaus Monastery is a national cultural monument.  It was founded by Charles IV in 1347.  Building intention was to strengthen ties among the Slavs and eliminate the schism between the Eastern and Western churches.  The church was bombed in the war and rebuilt.  The fresco is European rarity and considered as the most precious preserved monument of the Gothic period.

Vysehradska 49, Praha 2


Troja Palace is Baroque style and built by Sternberg in the late 17th century. Red and white color  building with a big French garden make it a great appeal to tourist.  It is located at the edge of the city.  We went from the Veletržní palace via a huge park and over the river by footbridge to the palace.  It was not on a Monday but unfortunately it was closed.  Luckily, we could still have a glimpse of the beautiful building from outside.  Next to the palace is the zoo and bus station taking you back to the town.



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